Cavalry captain Gabriel Lacey returns to Regency London from the Napoleonic wars to begin solving crimes that go unnoticed by the Bow Street Runners, which take him from the mansions of Mayfair to the backstreets of London's rookeries in this USA Today Bestselling Mystery Series by Ashley Gardner (aka Jennifer Ashley).
Book 7: A Death in Norfolk
Captain Lacey travels back to his boyhood home in Norfolk to allay the past and becomes caught up in mysteries surrounding the Lacey estate.
Book 8: A Disappearance in Drury Lane
Marianne Simmons asks Lacey to look into the disappearance of an actress from the company at Drury Lane. Lacey does so to find the problem far more complex and dangerous than he anticipated. Meanwhile, he has a very important appointment to keep with Lady Breckenridge.
Book 9: Murder in Grosvenor Square
Lacey is shocked by the murder of a friend and vows to bring the killer to justice.
Book 10: The Thames River Murders
Captain Lacey is called upon to solve the cold case of a young woman drowned in the Thames years ago, but to do so he must enter a closed world unfamiliar to him.
Book 11: The Alexandria Affair
Captain Lacey travels with Grenville to Egypt with Brewster to guard him, and there finds intrigue, murder, and treasure.
Book 12: A Mystery at Carlton House
The Prince Regent asks Grenville to have Captain Lacey look into thefts from lavish Carlton House, but James Denis threatens Lacey to have nothing to do with it.